Set five years before the events of the Star Wars anthology’s Rogue One (2016), this new Disney+ series follows Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) – a thief, soon to become revolutionary, and part of the Rebel Alliance.
In this fight against the Galactic Empire, Andor reveals how people and planet become connected and sheds light on the events before Cassian became leader of rebellious Rogue One.
TV Extras in London, the South East and the North West.
Uni-versal Extras provided casting support for Disney’s Andor TV series in multiple locations across London, the South East and the North West including: Blackpool, Surrey, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex and Pinewood Studios.
When watching Andor, keep your eyes peeled for…
Prison Inmates, Pensioners, Party Guests, Caretakers, Soldiers, Librarians, Beach Friends, Nomads, Embassy Bartenders, Guards, Musicians, Drummers, Clerks, Neighbours, Ferry Drivers, Troopers, Tavern Employees, Vendors, Customers, Hotel Staff, Students, Passers-by and more – as well as stunt performers and doubles!
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