
Set five years before the events of the Star Wars anthology’s Rogue One (2016), this new Disney+ series follows Cassian Andor (Diego Luna) – a thief, soon to become revolutionary, and part of the Rebel Alliance.

In this fight against the Galactic Empire, Andor reveals how people and planet become connected and sheds light on the events before Cassian became leader of rebellious Rogue One.

Director Toby Haynes
Cast Diego Luna, Genevieve O'Reilly, Alex Ferns
Production Company Disney
Year 2022
Filming location(s) London, South East, North West

TV Extras in London, the South East and the North West.

Uni-versal Extras provided casting support for Disney’s Andor TV series in multiple locations across London, the South East and the North West including: Blackpool, Surrey, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Essex and Pinewood Studios.

When watching Andor, keep your eyes peeled for…

Prison Inmates, Pensioners, Party Guests, Caretakers, Soldiers, Librarians, Beach Friends, Nomads, Embassy Bartenders, Guards, Musicians, Drummers, Clerks, Neighbours, Ferry Drivers, Troopers, Tavern Employees, Vendors, Customers, Hotel Staff, Students, Passers-by and more – as well as stunt performers and doubles!

Related Testimonials

Enjoyed everything from bizarre aliens to unique vehicles and interestingly designed set. Loved action scenes, stunts were amazing, and so was the food :)

Gintaras L | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


This production was my first large-scale scene! The set, costume, logistics and the crowd were amazing and full of purpose. It was amazing to be a part of the energy. A production I will remember forever.

Roy M | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


Top time on set - made new friends who I keep in touch with still. Very interesting and enjoyable being behind the scenes and being part of the experience!

Stu S | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


Being an Extra on Andor was just brilliant. We were all treated so well by everyone - in particular, the AD's were fantastic. The agency were always there for any queries, nothing was any trouble. We had such fun and I still have friends from working on this show. It was the best of times.

Angela C | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


My experience as a Supporting Artiste working on Andor was great. All the crew at Uni-versal Extras were really helpful - particularly as it was my first time! Even with the Extra checks required due to COVID-19, the comms were clear before, during and after each day of filming. As a massive Star Wars fan myself, it was an incredible experience and one I will never forget.

Alan J | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


From what started out as just 3 days filming became one of the best filming experiences of my life to date. Serving in Andor for about a month, meeting some of the main characters, fighting stupid amounts of storm troopers and even getting to film an extreme close-up crying for cue with a cast member besides me. Being part of Star Wars history - what an honour. The force is definitely strong in this one!

Darren S | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


Working on Pilgrim [Andor] for 5 weeks at Pinewood was a joy. It was my first proper SA job, but taught me a lot.

Alan W | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


One of the best experiences of my life and I REALLY hope I get to work in series two - which I understand is shooting soon. The set was next level - more impressive even than those I witnessed on Fantastic Beasts 1&2. Overall I was devastated when it was over and I wouldn't trade the experiences for the world. It was amazing and I'm proud to say I was involved in a series which has ended up being outstanding. Thank you UE for my chance to be involved in this incredible series; I'll never forget shooting.

Martin B | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


Omg -- what can I say? Found the whole experience fantastic. Wouldn’t hesitate do do it all again. The whole day of shooting, the costumes, the set, and crew, were just so amazing. Bring on the next role please!

Carol H | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


Working as an Extra on Andor was so fantastic; I had a very nice time on set. I met so many nice and friendly people, and to see how a production was made was very interesting. I’m looking forward to my next experience!

Keith B | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


7 weeks of awesomeness on this production …Great A.D.’s too!

Carl U | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


Really enjoyed my time as a prisoner on Andor, and was lucky enough to be placed next to the main cast's table when we were working on the shop floor for the Empire. Even though there were many long days on set, it really paid off for the feel of prison life under the Empire and for the inevitable prison break at the end of season 1. I've just watched episode 7 and I'm really looking forward to seeing the final 5 episodes of season 1. I hope I'm picked to play another part in season 2!

Michael G | Supporting Artiste on Disney's Andor | Uni-versal Extras


I had never worked on any production before, and it was quite daunting at first, especially when the pandemic was still ongoing. However the Uni-versal Extras team were fantastic, and were always on the ball with any info I needed, and put any worries I had at ease. Working on Andor was one of the most exciting and fun things I'd ever done. Being a huge Star Wars fan, it was a dream come true for me. Having not had much contact with people thanks to the lockdowns, it was exciting just being able to speak to folk again and have a laugh, and there was a great sense of camaraderie with my fellow 'nomads' which I'll never forget. The Director, Actors and Production crew were lovely and friendly, and were very attentive to all our needs. It has made me eager to work on other productions in future, and I look forward to my next adventure on a set somewhere soon.

Kevin M | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


It was a fantastic experience to have. This was all in lockdown and the whole thing was a miracle of organisation. Our safety was really looked after and the food was great. The Assistant Directors were always friendly and cheerful; they marshalled sometimes up to 200 people with incredible professionalism and somehow remembered names. I met some lovely people amongst my fellow SAs. Some of them destined to make a name for themselves, I'm sure.

Claire L | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


The best experience of my life being part of Star Wars. Amazing location, great people and excellent treatment. I can't wait to see myself in one episode as docker and honour guard!

German A | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


This was my first job with UVE. Couldn't be a better start to my new career -- a Star Wars production. Great production & met some great people.

Paul O | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


It was a dream come true being able to work on a Star Wars production. One of the filming dates took place in Cleveleys/Blackpool (May the 4th - no less), with a great bunch of SAs & crew, some of whom I've worked with before. Despite the bad weather the day we filmed, we all managed to keep each other's spirits up. Suffice to say my CV has now gone from playing an OAP to a glamourous, Intergalactic OAP!

Patricia W | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


It was such a pleasure working on this set. The Hair & Make Up, Wardrobe and Production teams were all so nice, friendly and professional, as were all the Actors, Supporting Artists, Catering Staff and the Covid Testing employees, too. The sets were amazing at Pinewood, we were treated very well, I made loads of new friends and I really enjoyed it throughout. They even posted me Pilgrim T-shirt after the filming had completed (as I was not on site on the last day of filming), which was a pleasant surprise and really made me feel so happy and appreciated. Well done Pilgrim... looking forward to watching the Andor series.

Shane A | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


To be part of a Star Wars series was fantastic. I played a seller on Ferrix, Andor's planet. Set dressing was perfect, and the AD'S were very kind and helpful. Meeting Stellan Skarsgård and other main actors was a definite treat. Most SA's have kept in touch and we have had our own little premiere and watched the first 3 episodes together spotting ourselves in scenes. A brilliant experience was had by all.

Sue K | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


This was my first experience working as an Extra, and I quickly learnt what was needed of me to be the best Extra I could be. Days can start early and end late, or can start in the evenings and continue until the following morning. One has to be prepared for anything but I absolutely love it!

Keith R | Supporting Artiste on Disney+ Series Andor | Uni-versal Extras


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