
Lawless is a Sky TV Drama portraying the workings of a modern court. Lila Pettitt is a brand new judge battling to keep her head above water in the murky depths of the justice system. 

Director Jon Jines
Cast Surrane Jones, Lindsay Duncan Malachi Kirby
Production Company Twenty Twenty Television
Year 2013
Filming location(s) London

How was Uni-versal Extras Involved?

Uni-versal Extras was the extras agency for the Lawless Sky TV Drama supplying a wide range of walk-ons and background extras. In addition to the roles that you would expect to feature in a courtroom drama, such as security staff and members of the legal team, the extras agency also suppled a number of featured extras and named character parts. 

When watching Lawless, keep your eyes peeled for…

Police Officers, Security Staff, Prisoners, Solicitors, Family Members in Court

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Uni-versal Extras was a casting agency for the Joan TV Show starring Sophie Tucker.


Multiple UK Locations

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