Let’s Get Social!

Ever wanted the latest industry news to come directly to you? Follow UVE on social media!
Let’s face it, we all love scrolling through a good news feeds every now and then. Luckily, UVE can now be found on all of your favourite social media platforms, so there’s really no need to ever miss a blog post, company update or a new production ever again.
To help keep you updated with all the latest goings on (such as brand new roles, industry news, fun TV and film content and more) why not follow Uni-versal Extras on social media and stay up-to-date with all the latest?
You can now catch us on multiple social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Click that big old ‘follow‘ button to stay updated on everything from exciting casting calls near you and the latest production releases to all our informative blog posts filled to the brim with Extras advice you can use to score great new roles (you don’t want to miss any of those!).
If you’re yet to give UVE’s social media a quick follow, you can find all of the links to our socials below. Come and join us, why don’t you?