Extras Advice – Here’s How/When We’ll Reach Out!

From getting Jobs Board notices to talking to our Casters about roles and confirming Production Terms & Condition; sometimes you just need a little Extras advice.
Find out how Uni-versal Extras are going to be contacting you throughout the casting and production process…
Nobody likes getting spammed by endless unwanted emails, texts or notifications and it’s understandable – we think – if all you want to do is click “delete, delete, delete“.
However, we ask that you pause and take a moment before hitting that delete button. At Uni-versal Extras, we’re very careful to avoid sending you unwanted or unnecessary communications – we want to help you get the work you want and manage the process simply and quickly. It is likely to be important for you to respond to that email, take action on an SMS or pick up the phone.
- Do you fit the specific age, gender, ethnic origin and any other requirements specified? If not, you are very unlikely be put forward for a role.
- Check the dates and location of the role. Are you sure you can make them? The production companies rely heavily on the Supporting Artistes turning up and being available on the dates stated, either for non-production purposes, such as costume fitting or COVID tests, and for the filming/shoot dates themselves. If you don’t turn up as needed without a good reason you are unlikely to be offered work again and could be removed from our UVE books.
- Check the details of the role and the requirements that may be included. Are you happy to be clean shaven, wear no make-up, get a bit (or a lot) wet, stand in a muddy field, or a number of other, sometimes unexpected, requirements the production is looking for?
You might get messages from us for any number of reasons and we will not message you without one, so please do respond or act on them. If you are not available, that’s fine – but do please quickly let us know.
Our team of casters and assistants are a lovely bunch of hard-working people and they are here to help you and make sure that you are the right fit for the role proposed. Obviously, if they do call you, it would be great if you would happy to talk to them. If you can’t take the call, they will leave a message for you and please do return the call as soon as you can so that they can do their best to get you the role you are suited for.
These are very important as they are your way to accept the Terms and Conditions you need to accept in order to be allowed to take part in the role you have been chosen for. To make everything easier, it is possible to accept via the UVE Artistes App on your phone and soon this will be the only way you can do so.
The best Extras advice we can give? Please try and keep your profile as up to date and reflective of reality as possible – hair styles change, body shapes change, hobbies change, clothing changes – it’s all good! We has an amazingly broad range of roles in many different locations – so we’re always trying to match them with our Extras profile. We, and our productions, love you just the way you are! The only negative is when your details do not reflect it – you measurements need to be accurate so you fit costume, your hair style needs to be accurate so decisions can be made about hair styles, your location needs to be right so travel arrangements are realistic. Please just update your profile as life happens – it’s now even easier with the free UVE Artistes App too!
Please make sure you review and check all the details in a Survey or during a call. If you can’t do all the days or are uncomfortable with an element of the role – that’s fine; we’ll try and find another role for you. The hard bit is when you agree to a role – but then can’t complete the days as agreed and want to drop-out; that makes both you, and us, look not too good in productions eyes, really jeopardising future roles for you and us. So please always check all the details!
We are here to help – and represent you accurately to our productions. If you have a question or concern about a role or opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0345 0090 344 or, if non-urgent, via enquiry@universalextras.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you.
Download the exclusive UVE Artiste app on the App Store or Google Play today.