In The Eyes Of Production

From your location, appearance, clothing sizes and skills, your profile is bursting with information that our Casting Agents will search on to find you suitable roles. Of course, once our Booking Team have been in contact to pencil you via the telephone or text message, they pass this information to the production for them to make a decision on who they would like to book. But what do they see?
The Look Book Explained
What is a Look Book? Simply put the Look Book is a catalogue of the available supporting artists that Production could work with.
What’s in the Look Book
This is an example of a look book starring Amy from the Admin Team.
You can see those lovely clear standard Head and Shoulders and Full body images. These take up the most space as it’s all about how you will look in the scene. If you have more than 2 approved photos that show you as you look now, our Booking Team will pick the most suitable outfit to help show production that you will fit in with their vision of how that scene. Sometimes the Production are looking at these late at night and it can confuse someone who is looking for guests at a fancy wedding but the pictures in front of them are of someone in their sports kit. Let’s make the decision easier for them.
If the production will be supplying a costume for you, they need to know that their clothes will fit you. We have both your measurements taken with a measuring tape and your store-bought sizes listed so if production are buying modern clothes they can match you to the label and if they have to make you a costume, your exact measurements will help them make you an amazing outfit that will fit like a glove. This is why our Booking Team ask about your measurements so much, no one wants to spend the day in tight uncomfortable clothes or be sent home with no pay because nothing will fit you.
Extra Information
If the Booking Team asked you for more information at the time of pencilling you such as your experience in playing the piano, this will be written in a covering email or discussed directly with production over the telephone. Don’t worry, our Booking Team will get all the information they can while you are on the phone so they can present you in the best way to the Production.