How To Get The Most Out Of Your Extras Photos

Getting the most of being an Extra means helping us give you the best possible chance of securing work, and nothing is more important to that process than your Profile Photos.
Casters and Production teams need to see your features and uniqueness clearly and quickly. Great Profile pictures are the very first big step in the right direction, so you need to ensure you put your best Extras photos forward…
You’ll hear this expression absolutely everywhere at this time of year – and whilst reinvention is great, your it’s vitally important to the casting process that you’re viewed “as you really are”.
That means that to make the most of your Extras photos, it’s important that you keep them as up-to-date as possible.
If you’ve recently had a haircut, lost some weight or even added a new (visible) tattoo to your collection, please make sure to snap some updated shots of yourself and upload them to your profile. Your profile’s photos are what productions see when they are deciding whether to book you for a role, so it really is important that they are seeing a true reflection of how you are at right at this very moment.
All photos uploaded to our website are moderated fairly and without prejudice by real people and they accept or reject your profile photos based on industry-standard criteria. If your photos follow our guidelines [link to guidelines] then they will be reviewed and accepted quickly.
Fortunately, in this age of great cameras on smartphones, it is not difficult to produce good photos that are acceptable to Film & TV Productions if you spend a little bit of time in preparation and planning. Keep in mind that it’s 100% about “You” and the images need to show this, and nothing else.
- Find a suitable place to take your photos – uncluttered, no-distractions from you, and preferably, a plain white wall. That means no clothes on the floor, door frames, posters on your dorm walls, or shots with your pet cat please!
- Wear casual clothing and completely avoid any items that may restrict or hide your features such as jackets, hats, scarfs, sunglasses, etc.
- Keep a straight face, standing straight on and looking directly into the camera. Try using a timer or asking a friend to help you take your photos so can look right into the lens.
- Please ensure that the photos you submit can be uploaded directly to the UVE Artiste mobile app or our website without the need for any editing.
- ‘Standard Head & Shoulders’ photos should feature you in the centre of the shot without cutting off your hair.
- Full Body photos should show you from head-to-toe, or head-to-ankle.
- Your standard photos must be in full colour.
- You must wear unrestrictive plain clothing, for example a t-shirt or top – we love you exactly as you are…and Productions will too!
- Make sure that the lighting is good and that there are no shadows or other distractions.
- The quality must be sharp and not blurry – thank heavens for digital photos!
Some More Pointers
Should I wear glasses in my photos?
If you are able to work without them, you should not wear glasses in your main photos. If you would have to wear your glasses to be able to work, i.e. because you would be bumping into things otherwise and you do not wear contact lenses, then you can wear them in your standard photos.
How should I have my hair?
The key is that we can see the length of your hair in your Extras photos, so please do not tie it up. Letting your hair down and pulling it in front of you will allow us to see the length, colour & style, which is desirable in casting because production teams can then easily see how the hair and make-up department will be able to work with you for the role. Don’t forget to update your profile pictures if you’ve changed hair style or colour!
Should I wear full makeup?
Whilst it is fine to wear makeup in your photos, it is not essential and we would recommend keeping it simple so that we have photos of you looking natural. Once you are a fully activated member with us, there is an advanced photo option called ‘Unkempt (Hair & Makeup Not Done)’ – uploading this type of photo will again give our Casting Team greater flexibility when putting you forward for work if you are wearing makeup in your standard photos.
The UVE Artiste app is the most effective and quickest way of uploading photos from your phone direct to your profile? Our exclusive app is available to download for free to all UVE Supporting Artistes on The App Store and Google Play. Download it today, and happy snapping!
- Do not re-upload rejected photos multiple times as it will simply be rejected again, wasting your time. Instead, refer to the guidance provided and retake the photo.
- If you still have questions, please contact us on 0345 0090 044 and select ‘Artiste Support’ or email
- If a photo gets rejected, please take a look at the email you will have received, which will provide useful individual feedback relating directly to your image and why it was rejected. You can then take another photo with this in mind.
For a more in-depth reminder, with some examples of the rules in practise, why not take a look at our blog post “Your Ultimate Profile Photo Guide!”
If you follow these guidelines, we’re confident that you can get suitable photos accepted and that will give you the best chance of securing work.
We talk about the importance of keeping your measurements accurate and up to date.