Just A Quick Survey

Here at Uni-versal Extras, we are streamlining our Pencilling procedure, and bringing in a faster, easier way to Pencil you in for a role.
As part of our ongoing quest to improve our Extra and Production experience, we are introducing Pencilling via Survey.
We understand that as Extras you have busy lives, because of this we are rolling out a new way of putting you forward for work. By sending you more information, up front, in a survey style micro site, we hope you’ll be able to review and respond to us more quickly.
By having your confirmation (or not), we’ll be able to respond to a production’s needs much more quickly – increasing the likelihood that Uni-versal Extras will be successful in placing you. Want to know more? Here’s how it works in detail.
Extras Casting Process: Pencil via Micro Site
Currently, our Casting Process starts with an Availability Text. Once you have texted back with your availability, name and reference, a member of the Booking Team will call you to discuss further and get you Pencilled (checked and sent to Production for approval) for the role.
– Simple roles – we’ve sent you a text.
– More complex roles we will call you to discuss further.
So, How Will It Work?
With the new system, you will still receive an Availability Text but it will contain a link. Follow the link to see all the key information you will need to be able to determine if you are available and interested. Just answer Yes or No to the questions to see if you are available.
Instead of waiting to speak to a member of our Booking Team, we can pencil you for work on your positive responses. As long as you answer while the role is open, you will be pencilled. If you miss the role, the link will not work.
It’s that quick and simple, we believe that we’ll be able to confirm results to you faster too.
The Message
This is what the new Message will look like:
Once you click the link you will arrive on our Survey micro site. The first page will ask you about the role and the dates you’d be needed for.
This is followed by the logistical information such as the Locations, estimated Call Time and Transport, and of course the Pay.
We’ll move on to check that you haven’t changed in any way from the information we have on your profile.
When you have completed the survey, your final message will tell you what happens next and will still display the Reference word our Booking Team has allocated to the role. If you are in any doubt if you have been put forward or have any questions, just call the Booking Team on the number provided on this last page of your survey. Remember, you can also reach the Booking Teams by calling 0345 0090344 and choosing option 1.
Let’s take a look.
Will things change? Yes, the good news is that if we have more information such as a map of location or reference photos, we can share them on this micro site.
Much easier to get the info quickly, right?!
What Happens Next?
Once you have answered “Yes” to all the questions, you will be Pencilled – PLEASE ensure you make a note of the details somewhere handy. Your details will be sent to Production for consideration.
In the body of the final screen of the survey, you will see a date for results, all you have to do is hold the dates and wait! If you do encounter an issue that will affect your availability for filming during this time, please call us as soon as you can on 0345 009 0344 and speak to the Booking Team from your text.
If you said you weren’t available, the survey will finish and you don’t have to hold the dates. But our Casting Team will keep trying to match you to any suitable roles that come up.
If your answers suggest you might not be available for the role, our Casting Team may contact you to see if there is something that can be done to put you forward.
Productions Decision
If you have been unsuccessful, you will receive a text message to let you know, just like you do now.
If you are successful for the role, a member of our Booking Team will give you a call just to confirm all the details with you, so don’t worry you will still get to talk to us! The dates will be confirmed in your online diary but remember to put it in your personal calendar or diary too.
You will then receive all the details you need to attend filming the night before (Mon-Thurs by 7pm and 6pm on Fri) via a “Call Details Text”. If you have not received this message by these times, call us and our Booking Team can let you know what’s happening.
That’s it – Faster Availability Checks, Faster Pencilling, Faster Booking!
FAQ’s – Boring but Important
Do I need a special phone or to download anything before being able to use these Survey micro sites?
All you need is a phone with internet access. If you are having difficulty starting the survey, start by checking your connection. If the internet is working but you are still unable to continue, call us and speak to the Booking Team for more information. Please take a screen shot of any error messages and email them to enquiry@universalextras.co.uk so our IT team can look into it.
Will I still have to talk to the Booking Team to be Pencilled?
This depends, the method for pencilling you for roles will depend on Productions requirements. For example, if we need additional information from you such as a certain type of photo or information relating to your skills, training or experience, you will receive a shorter text, like the one you may be used to, and this will be followed by a call.
Sometimes, our Booking Team may call you directly if the role is short notice or you have a specific look and they are worried you may not see the text in time.
If I am Pencilled via Survey Micro Site, Can I let you know I’m no longer available by text?
Unfortunately, not. The survey micro site is created by a website and does not allow replies to the original text message you will have received.
Just pick up the phone and give us a quick call, there will always be someone you can talk to on our emergency mobile number or by calling 0345 009 0344 and selecting the relevant Booking Team.
I’m not sure if my details are up to date, should I answer now and check my details later?
No, with this new process our Booking Team will be sending your details over to the Production very quickly after receiving your response. If in doubt, simply log in and check your details first. If you need to update anything, do this before committing to an answer.
I replied to an Availability Text, but never received a message to say I was not required?
Depending on the original text you responded to you may or may not be pencilled. Check the message, does it contain the word “Pencilled”? If so, call the number in the message and quote the Reference, our Booking Team can have a look into why you have not received any further communication. If in doubt, always call, never assume you are not needed.
I got a Survey Micro Site but I have a question before I can reply?
Call us, quote your reference and our Booking Team will answer any questions you have. It’s best to be clear on the details before agreeing to anything!
Production’s Decision
Why didn’t I get the job?
Productions don’t tell us why they book one person and not another. If we are putting you forward, it is because we believe that you are a good candidate for the role, but we cannot control their decision.
What is sent to production?
We send them the information about you that is required for the role, which will almost always be your photos and body measurements in the form of a Look Book. This is the main reason why having good quality photos (that follow our criteria) is so important, as it can be the difference between you securing a role or not.
It’s worth noting that the process can vary slightly from time-to-time, for example, you may be called directly first rather than receiving an Availability Text.
Do you have a question about this Process that we did not cover? If so, please leave a Comment below (available only to fully activated members) and we will get back to you!